Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Okay, so

Okay, so I've gained, like, oh my gosh this is so emberassing, emphesis on the ASS.

I've gain'd like, 20 pounds since my last post. What can I say. You can't get between a girl and her cheese fries rofl!

So now I'm eating more protein. It makes my poo smell really bad. I was walking down the street and I had to let one go and I was so embarassed because right then a total hottie walked by and I think he totally smelled it! LOLZ!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Eff Yoga

This morning I went to Whole Foods and got a fat-free berry muffin. I was standing in the checkout line which is right by the cheese and olives and it really stunk. Like, I mean, it smelled like somebody's baby had diareea. It was SO nasty. Seriously, I don't know why they don't move the cheese away from the olives because it was so nasty.

Then I went to my hot yoga class. I hadn't been in like six weeks because I've been really busy with preparing for auditions and doing job interviews so I was all yeah, I totally should go this week.

NYwayz, Jordache totally sends me this text message that says "EFF YOGA" and I'm all I don't even know what to say because he didn't say "F__K YOGA" so I can't tell if he's serious or not. I mean, why would he want to EFF YOGA. He doesn't even LIKE it.

He's out of town this weekend so we'll have a talk about it when he gets back. I'm starting the Lemonade Diet on Monday too so I should be in a fighting mood!! Seriously, sometimes I can't figure him out.

But yoga was really hard. I forgot how hot they make it. It's like Texas-sized temperatures in there. By the end of class, I was all eff this is hard! So I guess maybe that's what he meant.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Day One again!

So this morning I was totally going to start things out right. I went to Dunkin' Donuts and said another fond farewell to food, knowing it would be another ten days before I had any.

Then I totally remembered Veronica's birthday on Friday. There's no way I can do the diet now. So I decided that I'd start it Saturday morning.

I came home tonight and Jordache was cooking a microwave chicken. MMM! So delishioso. I put a slice of Kraft singles on top and it was SOOO good.

See, how'm I supposed to do this diet? I'm so in heart with food!LOL!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Day One

So I didn't actually get to do the diet today. I was TOTALLY going to. I went to Dunkin' Donuts this morning and had a cannoli and a bear claw and was like WTH, this is the last time I'll eat for ten days so I'd better make the best of it.

NEWAyz, I went to the Food Emporium and bought a carton of Minute Maid and the herbal laxitive tea (I had to go to WHole Foods for the maple syrup, I'm SO tired from walking all day) and went home and started mixing it all up, but I got a phone call from Jordache and he wanted to meet me for lunch so I went down to where he works and we had Papya Dog (cheese fries!).

I came back home and Krystal called me and I told her I was on the diet and she told me I couldn't make it with Minute Maid. I have to get real lemons and squeeze them with my bear hands! I was all no way. And she was all yes. You do it for ten days and it makes you skinny.

So anywaiz, I decided I'd pretty much ruined my day so I went and got a double foam chai tea sarsasparilla nougut latte from Starbucks cuz it's like, I totally blew it!

Anyways, I'm going to totally start tomorrow. I went to Bed Bath and Body Works and bought a de-juice squeezer. You put the lemon in and wa-la. Lemon juice! So I'm totally prepared for this.

Jordache came home and was all let's go to Chipoltle. Who am I to say no? I spent all day running around so I couldn't make him dinner or anything. I got the creamed salad bowl so I didn't feel guilty. We DID get into a fight though. I swear Jordache can be so unhealthy in his habits. At least he could go omega proto vegan. Whatever.

So anywayz, I'm starting tomorrow! Bon voyage to food! Totally keep praying for me!

Monday, May 14, 2007

All About Me

Hey y'all! I wanted to start blogging to tell y'all all about what I'm about to do.

My name is MacKymburlee ("MacKym" for short! lolz!). I'm from Dallas, TX and I moved to New York about a year ago because I didn't like the heat and I thought WTH, What's more cosmo than New York city, am I right? I went to Baylor University and graduated with a bachelors in business and now I'm in the big city for the first time ever. I'm so totally pumped.

I'm also a ovo-leguma-pork vegan so I'm totally restricted as to the things I'm allowed to eat. I'm really trying to become a full-fledged ovo-leguma, but that's really hard because in the city food=fuel. I LOVE cheese fries and Chinese take-out so much and Chipoltle has saved my life more times than I can count on this hand.

NEWayz, with the summer months almost hear, I bought some swimsuits which I think will make me the envy of all the Jennys and Janes at the pool. Thing is, in NY, they don't have pools except for skeezy indoor gym ones which are totally nasty. I'm still recovering from a case of funguticulal pediatrisma (totall mushroom-foot--and I thought truffles were just chocolate!) that I picked up at the SLC at Baylor U.

Anywayz, I was trying them on and I was looking at myself and I was all Damn girl, there is NO way am I letting you out of the house looking like THAT. I'm talking seriously saddle-bags. SO annoying. I mean, I guess it would be okay if I wanted to only go to the beach at Coney Island where all the freaks are (Me and my friend Krystal went down there when she came up for a visit and had the BEST cheese fries lol.) And yeah, I would be seen ONLY if I wanted to be locked up with the fat lady and the bearded lady.

So N-E-Wyz, since Coney is my only option for summertime fun, I've gotta look hot as a fox.

Krystal was telling me all about this diet she was on back in D-Town. It's the Lemonade Diet. I was all, ew. But she was all, no it really works. You drink this lemonade and it totally makes you skinny in ten days.

Anyways, Normally I'd be all, WTH, I'm so not giving up food. Seriously, I heart cheese fries SOOOOOoooooooo much. But I also spent $200 on a new swimsuit. Cheese fries or swimsuit. Oh, what a dilimma is mine. And also living in New York has made me way more open minded to all kinds of things that we don't have in Texas. I mean, hot yoga and meditation and stuff. I'm getting way more concerned about my spirit and my wholeness as a woman. And I really embrace that.

So I went on google and found out how to make this lemonade. I'm suppose to drink it for ten days str8. I'll NEVER be able to do it but I figure, WTH. You only live but once and you can't have any regrets.

I mean, What if I get to the pearly gates and they only have smalls?? I mean, I knowwww it probably won't happen, but still. A girl's gotta think ahead.

I'm starting tomorrow. I decided that there's not a lot of information out there about the Lemonade Diet so I would be my own ginny pig and tell you all about it so you can know what to expect when you go on it. I'm gonna keep a log of all the things that happen over the next ten days and hopefully by the end of which, it'll be the NEW me that's writing, not the fattie me.

A lot of people do before and after shots, but I'm TOTALLY not going to show you all pictures of my thighs, maybe if I do it a second time I will, but probably only after liposuction for those hard-to-loose places.

For those of you who want to try it with me, here's the recipie:

Every day you're suppose to fill a gallon jug with:

the juice of five lemons
1 1/4 cup organic grade B maple syrup
1 teasp of cianne pepper
10 cups of water

Every morning you're suppose to drink:
2 teasp of uniodized sea salt
1 quart lukewarm water

Every night you're suppose to drink:
Herbal Laxative Tea

LOLZ! I'm already SO grossed out by this! But I'm serious about looking my best. I believe that my body IS a temple and I should treat it the best that I can. So totally pray for me! I'm starting tomorrow! LYLASs!