Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Day One

So I didn't actually get to do the diet today. I was TOTALLY going to. I went to Dunkin' Donuts this morning and had a cannoli and a bear claw and was like WTH, this is the last time I'll eat for ten days so I'd better make the best of it.

NEWAyz, I went to the Food Emporium and bought a carton of Minute Maid and the herbal laxitive tea (I had to go to WHole Foods for the maple syrup, I'm SO tired from walking all day) and went home and started mixing it all up, but I got a phone call from Jordache and he wanted to meet me for lunch so I went down to where he works and we had Papya Dog (cheese fries!).

I came back home and Krystal called me and I told her I was on the diet and she told me I couldn't make it with Minute Maid. I have to get real lemons and squeeze them with my bear hands! I was all no way. And she was all yes. You do it for ten days and it makes you skinny.

So anywaiz, I decided I'd pretty much ruined my day so I went and got a double foam chai tea sarsasparilla nougut latte from Starbucks cuz it's like, I totally blew it!

Anyways, I'm going to totally start tomorrow. I went to Bed Bath and Body Works and bought a de-juice squeezer. You put the lemon in and wa-la. Lemon juice! So I'm totally prepared for this.

Jordache came home and was all let's go to Chipoltle. Who am I to say no? I spent all day running around so I couldn't make him dinner or anything. I got the creamed salad bowl so I didn't feel guilty. We DID get into a fight though. I swear Jordache can be so unhealthy in his habits. At least he could go omega proto vegan. Whatever.

So anywayz, I'm starting tomorrow! Bon voyage to food! Totally keep praying for me!

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